Men's Divorce Recovery (MDR) is a ministry which began in 2016 after its CEO and founder, Dale J. Brown went through his own divorce following 32 years of marriage. Convinced that every man who is divorced can experience God's love and transformation, Dale launched MDR to help men find God’s plan for them during the second half of their life.
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Dale Brown, Ph.D.
Founder & CEO
Call: 978.204.0480
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dalebrown3
Dale's life mission is to fervently love God and people, expressing that love frequently, and persevering in it forever.
He desires to be used by God to help others on their journey with Christ as we grow into His likeness in whatever context, place and life situations God chooses, thus fulfilling the Great Commandment, the Great Commission, and the Cultural Mandate.
Dale has pastored six churches in Texas and New England, traveled and taught overseas and led Men’s Retreats and Conferences. He holds a B.S. from the University of Texas and the M.Div. and Ph.D. degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dale is dad to Lindsey, Davis and Aaron. Dale was blessed to be remarried to Kelly on April 7, 2021. He is VERY happy about this!
Dale is uniquely qualified to lead this ministry…
Spiritually, has heard God’s distinct call to meet the needs of divorced men.
He has taught in a variety of venues including men’s conferences, retreats and pastors’ conferences. He’s taught in various prisons and has counseled sex offenders and victims. His global work has provided him with wide cross cultural experience. Dale has organized multiple events for a variety of audiences.
While Senior Pastor at West Congregational Church and Crestview Baptist Church he was deeply involved in their vibrant men’s ministries. He has led six churches for a total of thirty one years of senior pastor ministry.
Academically, he has earned a Ph.D. (Pastoral Theology). Experientially, he has lived through the heart-wrenching pain of divorce.
Dale is excited about the opportunity to follow God into leading men from the devastation of divorce into the journey of healing and wholeness. Ge knows that though God did not cause his divorce, He can and is using it to help those who are in the same painful circumstances.
Donate to MDR
We appreciate donations of any size to our ministry to ensure we can continue to support those in need of healing.